Friday, November 9, 2012

Closed, but not gone!

Well, most of you already know that last weekend was our last...We thought we would do one last weekend to sell out of our inventory and say our good-byes, but had a freak power outage at the shop early this week and lost ALL of our ice cream inventory :(. But, ya know, everything happens for a reason and we can handle that. I would have probably cried all weekend and that would have just been an unattractive mess. lol

We have lots of equipment and inventory for sale, so check it out on our facebook page under "mobile uploads". /bellsicecreamcafe - or message us @

We are still doing Dinner "To Go" so please check our menu - changes made monthly. We are also offering special "fixin's" just for the Thanksgiving Holiday. So perfect for the busy family, work party or get together.
Let us know if you have any special requests!

Although - the shop in Quitman is closed, it is not the end. If someone had told us it would end so soon, we would still have done it...wait, they did...We'll take a little breather and regroup and in the meantime, be looking for a new location, where we can offer more an eat in diner and still have our little ice cream and candy shop!
What is the saying? "If at first you don't suceed, try, try again!"

This has been an amazing experience that we are glad we had! Our customers are the best....Afterall, the coolest people in the world walked through our doors!

Happy Holidays to you all and hope you keep in touch!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fall & Winter

Treats for Kids!! - Stop by the shop tomorrow afternoon 3p-5p for the Quitman Chamber of Commerce's Treats for Kids city wide trick or treating! See our Facebook Page for a list of participating businesses.

 For those of you who may have missed our Facebook post - we will have new seasonal hours. Beginning November 1st, we will only be open Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
New hours:
Thursday 3:00-7:00p
Friday 3:00-9:00p
Saturday: 12:00-7:00p
*Coming Soon!  With the new season & new hours brings new stuff! On Thursdays & Fridays we will have a soup or stew of the day! It'll be daily while it lasts! So be sure to stay tuned on Facebook for updates daily specials!
*NEW -  Dinner "To Go" Menu - please check out the tab named so above and browse through the calendar for menu items and our Thanksgiving Fixin's limited time special!
Thanksgiving Fixin's - is everything but the Turkey or Ham. We will provide side dishes from a list available November 1st. You can pre order. All prepaid pre-orders will recieve $5.00 off if ordered by November 15th.
Taste This! - Would you rather try it before you buy it? Come by our Taste This! Event Saturday, November 17th from 12-2p for samples of every single menu item for just $2.00 - ! Check out the menu for an idea of what we'll have! Bring your friends!!
Hmmmm...what else?......
 Oh yeah! Please take a minute to vote for us!
We need at least 100 votes to qualify!
Bell's Ice Cream Cafe

Friday, September 7, 2012

New Stuff!

September is a busy month! Come by and see what we're up to!

September 8th - Taste Of East Texas - Mineola Civic Center (behind Brookshires in Mineola) 6p-8p
Come enjoy samples from restaurants all over East Texas. $10 admission and unlimited sampling. Come see us! We'll have dipped licorice & cherries along with an introduction to a new sundae! Don't forget vote for us, while you're there!

September 13th - Network Mixer - @ Bell's Ice Cream Cafe 5:30p-7:00pm
Enjoy socializing and sweets! We'll have lots of goodies and we'll be debuting Fried Pies!! Hope to see you there!

September 14th - Movie Night!!
 Ages 4-12  - $2.00 per person. 6:45-8:00p
Come in your jammies and favorite pillow & blankie to enjoy watching The Lorax. $2.00 includes movie & popcorn. Bring extra $ for other snacks and drinks! We'll have nachos, hot dogs and more! Call or come by for details!

New Dinner "To Go" Menu - Begins serving Monday, September 10th!! Check it out and place your order today! Menu Here

New Ice Cream Flavors: Cinnamon & Lemon

We also have marshmallow & rice krispie trear kabobs!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


The short time we've been open, we've met a lot of people - some of you we've posted on our Facebook page and the rest of you, we will (wink) ;) -  you have been blessings in one way or another, even with just a smile and a "Thank You".
A lot has happened and we've changed things around a few times, too....Including just recently when we moved some furniture around to receive this amazing gift. I had posted an image of a decal to Facebook I was considering buying for the shop of this 84" tall ice cream cone when an amazing friend/customer offered to paint it...and she really did! How awesome is this?? We can't ever move, now :P Thanks, Olivia!

We can honestly say that every single day we are thankful for everything we have - we really believe that everyone you meet and everything happens for a reason - even when you don't understand how it could possibly be for the is...
Another set of customers who come and see us (loves my strawberry shortcake - 'cause it's better than Jon's LOL) left us a very generous tip tonight....I cried. No, really, I did...Our appreciation is beyond words. (We are so much better at giving than this whole receiving thing :P) and again, for every one of you that walk through our doors (afterall, the coolest people in the world walk through our doors - we even have it posted) Thank you, you mean so much to us....<3

Our newest flavor is Mocha Almond Fudge! Yummmmm!

Coming Soon - PINTS!!!
I'll post the list of available flavors to the Facebook page soon!

See ya soon!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Did you get to hear baout our very special visitor? Well, before you read about it....Go here and read about him and what he's doing...scroll down and please read through his posts...Great stories of people he is meeting along his way.
Stop when you get to this photo (below). That's us!

As hard as it can be sometimes, kindness is truly the more rewarding action.
"Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you" - Princess Diana 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sundaes & Rocky Candy!

We're about 2 months in and we have to tell you how truly honored we feel everytime someone walks through our doors...Especially with another ice cream shop right next door...But afterall, "the coolest people in the world walk through our doors". :) If you've been in the shop, you know what I mean.
Ok, so if you didn't know, we are sponsoring the ice cream speed eating contest at the Ice Cream Social in the park, July 7th. See you there? Hope so!
Come by and try one of our brownie sundaes...
This weekend we'll have rock candy back in stock!! Yay!!
Oh! And we just got our Monster cooler - its so pretty, too!
You must try a Monster Shake or float...Soooo gooood!

Well, we love feedback and can only get better when we recieve it, so please, if you've been by our shop, tell us what you think. If you haven't, but have heard about us, what have you heard?

Until next time!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

About Us

I thought it'd be nice to tell you a little bit about us like where we came from and how we got here. So, if you don't mind a story, here it goes...
In 1998 I (niki) moved to NY to meet my real dad for the first time. That same night I arrived, I sat outside my sister's job waiting for her to get off work, when Jon and his friends pulled up. Jon had gone inside the movie theatre next door and called the payphone where I was sitting. His friend answered and handed me the phone. Of course, puzzled, I was like "what'. Jon went on to tell me how pretty he thought I was and explained to me what I was wearing...I was clueless that he was standing inside looking right at me....We spent that whole summer together...and now 14 years and 4 beautiful daughters later, here we are.
Due to the extreme expense to live in NY we decided to move to TX where my mom was. I grew up in a small town, so Quitman was appealing to me. New to Jon, who had never seen cows on the side of the road and those huge rolled hay bales :). We began building our life in Quitman in 2001 as nurse aids at Village Manor on Lane St. before it closed down. From there, we moved on to other things. In December of 2005 we had a house fire losing everything we owned. It was the most surreal experience ever. It was then that people all over Quitman really embraced us and showed us what small town love can really do. It was amazing how much love and support we were given and the abumdance of things given to us to help rebuild our lives. It was only my 2nd day at work at Stitchin Heaven...7 years later, Im still at Stitchin Heaven, my day job,working for an amazing woman who inspired me and has given me knowledge that has turned into the courage needed to go forward in business. Oh yeah...and Jon has been head chef at the Tea Room for 5 years now...You might have eaten there :)
In 2010, Jon and I decided that our next goal after buying our first home was to open a restaurant. We gave ourselves 5 years. Since then I have done my research and have been preparing for that. Its been 2 years and here we are. Its funny, because it was really like an overnight decision. I had gotten a bug in my bonnet to go check out McDade's Dept. store, called Reneau at Quitman Realty who showed it to us and informed us of Wing Dingers moving in next door. When he told us that, it was like "ding ding" Ice Cream! What better compliment would it be to have pizza and then ice cream next door? So, with this crazy half thought idea, we looked at a couple other buildings then found the one we're in on Main Street. It was literally a week's time and I was at city hall in the City Admin's office with the lease agreement ready to sign, when I called jon and told him to meet me there. Jon was like "What? Are you serious? We're gonna do this? Are you sure?"...LOL I'm funny that way, I get an idea and if you tell me "no"or that I "can't", I'm gonna show you I can. Even if it means blood, sweat and tears. Afterall, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right? (it's a good thing Jon's cool for whatever) So, we signed and after lots of hard work and pretty much no money, we opened. April 28th, to be exact. Our first weekend and every day since has been amazing!
Here we are on our second weekend, we've hired 5 part time, high school girls, yes, 5!! and looking forward to a long future in the small town ice cream biz...I've gotta tell you, having your own customers, is an amazing feeling. Watching them walk out and go across the the street to sit at the courthouse as they eat their ice cream is a whole 'nother feeling of warm and fuzziness.
I really hope...No, I know, we'll do good here...because so far.....We have the best customers in town :)
Our next goal...To make enough money to take the kiddos to Disney World in December :)...It'll happen...just watch and see :)

Bell's Ice Cream Cafe
Come see us!
Monday - Friday 3p-9p
Saturady 11a-9p
Sunday 11a-5p

Summer hours beginning June 1st.
Monday - Friday 11a-9p
Saturday & Sunday's hours will stay the same.